Memories: USA of the early 80's

When i was 2 years old, my father got a job in the USA. Two young parents both aged 38 in 1981, with their 3 boys of 13, 12 and 2 years old plus their two girls of 10 and 5, moved from Rome to Williamsburg, Virginia. 

I've been stuck in Rome lately, sorting some things out. I wish i could be out there traveling, but as my teammates in Spain said the day i gave them the news that forced me to leave: "Lo primero es lo primero".
So, Family first!
However, there is a place i like to go sometimes. It is not here, it is not now. Is somewhere beneath the layers of my memory. Every time i feel like taking some time for myself, all i need to do is lay down, relax, let everything go and breathe. Breathe deeply and slow, following that air flowing into my lungs, will take me wherever i want to go. 

When i was 2 years old, my father got a job in the USA. Two young parents both aged 38 in 1981, with their 3 boys of 13, 12 and 2 years old plus their two girls of 10 and 5, moved from Rome to Williamsburg, Virginia. 

When i am laying down with my eyes closed, those times come back vivid as they were real.
Sometimes i am in my backyards watching red cardinals sitting on snowy branches.
Summer days in colonial Williamsburg are my favorites: biking to the swimming pool, the street parades, the historic demonstrations of the war for independence, watching fireworks on the 4th of July at the beach...

I was never tall enough to ride the Loch Ness Monster rollercoasters of the Busch Gardens. 
So i go back, but this time i am able to go and tour the whole park with no limitations.
During those years, my little sister (the 6th) arrived.

We did travel a lot. We had a Chrysler Dodge Ram Van.




One day during our visit to Disneyland something weird happend. The famous amusement park was unusually empty for a hot and sunny sunday. No lines, not much people around. It felt like visiting a ghost town.
My father got suspicious and asked around. The answer was "Superbowl Sunday". 

What is "superbowl sunday"? What is "football"? My father got curious, a few months later he heard a game was on at the college stadium of William & Mary, not far from our house. That day he fell in love with that sport. He kept going to games, buying footballs and infected the whole family with football-fever. Me too.

Many memories from those days got graven in my heart: simple living, traveling with a van, american football, peanut butter & jelly!
From time to time, i like to take a break from my daily routine, and relive those amazing days.
So i sit back, relax and take a deep breath.

All pictures are courtesy from my dad, Gaetano La Corte (

Hi, I am Mike, and you must've stumbled upon my travel journal unconsciously, maybe looking for something interesting and well written. If that is so, you are in the wrong place. These pages are useless, lack of proper grammar, but they also have some flaws. Enjoy!
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